EastLink seamlessly migrates Citilog’s Automatic Video Incident Detection (AVID) system
[peekaboo onshow="Click to hide all" onhide="Click to show all"] CONTENT [peekaboo name="foo"] [peekaboo_content name="foo"] CONTENT [/peekaboo_content] CONTENT CONTENT [peekaboo name="bar" onshow="Click to hide" onhide="Click to show"] or you can also…
Deploying a state of the art Automatic Incident Detection system to favor clean modes of transportation
[bg_collapse view="link" color="#383838" icon="arrow" expand_text="Show More" collapse_text="Show Less" ] Tunel Charitas Cafuba - NitTrans - Niterói, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Citilog CT-IM Analytics [/bg_collapse]
Citilog Incident Detection solution deployed on Su Hua award-winning Highway project
[bg_collapse view="link" color="#383838" icon="arrow" expand_text="Show More" collapse_text="Show Less" ] Taiwan R.O.C Ministry of Transportation and Communication - Taiwan. Citilog CT-IM Analytics [/bg_collapse]